Tuesday, October 28, 2008

“Busy is a fact, overloaded is a fact"

“Busy is a fact, overloaded is a fact, just depend on how you manage it”
What is your opinion on this sentence?
Some people might be thinking this is crazy, unacceptable, unreasonable…
Some people might be thinking this is made sense, reasonable……..

It’s seem easy to understand base on the words, but what is the hidden meaning?
Honestly, I think it is crazy when I heard about this sentence because it’s seem doesn’t made any sense. But, after think twice the hidden meaning could be meaningful.

We always complain that too many thing to do until can’t complete, no concentration, no dedication. I believe everyone also did the same thing. But, are we really stereotype ourselves as “I’m busy” or is it a way for us to express the feeling?

Personally, I think everyone also busy with their own thing and complaining is just a way to express the tiredness but doesn’t mean they are not competence, finding excuse and lazy to work!!

Anyhow, I do agree that we must learn to manage our work and time because it is a mandatory soft skill if you want to move further on your career and life. But, when people complained we must listen but not just simply stereotype people “you are not competence” because you are “killing” their effort.

Anyhow, I learnt a lesson on this sentence and I knew the person better.
This is the beauty of life. Even just a simple sentences but it’s gave you a good lesson and might change your mind too.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Life with Vessel

Don't misunderstand when you viewing this session!!I'm not a sailor.... Due to the nature of my work, I have to visit vessel frequently. Before this, i always thinking that be sailor should be a very nice occupation because can sail around the world and of course good pay:>

But, the thought was totally changed after I have work together with them! It is tough! Imagine...you have to work in the engine room with temperature more that 40 Celsius, unpredictable weather, sailing in open sea for long time (lucky 1 or 2 weeks, if not can be more than 1 month), have to stay away with family for long period (I have met with some crew who has never back to home for a year)...etc.

We always complained that too much workload, no enough time, working environment not good. If compare with them, all these compliances are nothing.

I really respect their passion, professional, hard work. Their attitude is a "big hint" for me to built up own characteristic and career path.

~~Visited Vessels~~